An entry from The Dream Log

This dream was recorded from the iOS Notes application, and transferred to nvALT on January 8, 2013. I'm listing it here exactly as it was typed by me immediately after waking.

At dads for birthday. Have to break through cement floor to get gifts. One gift is a "small" dell rack mount server. Then there's a car with white walls. The car nearly buys someone on the road1 which turns out to be Debbie2 and friends. They pull into the parking lot and a police officer pulls in behind. The female driver of another car starts yakking ahoy3. One if the gifts from fad4 is something which shoots my captors. I escape hit get chased by police.

It's interesting re-reading.

1: I'm not sure what "buys someone on the road", but I'm thinking it was supposed to be "hits someone on the road".
2: Debbie is my mother-in-law.
3: After further reflection, this is *probably* "talking shit"
4: Probably "dad"