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Templating with Perl

One of my duties, as I explained in my last post is to automate things, as everything we allow to be done by human hands causes the chance for error to increase. So scripting things not only reduces that chance for error, but also speeds the process along.

UTC, EDT, and why Daylight Saving should be abolished

My employer has a lot of different services; one of these services is called an Email News Alert (EMNA for short). For a long time, these EMNAs were prepared manually by a team of 3 based on articles posted on our sites.

New Blog Publishing System

I've just created a new blog publishing system. It's a simple perl script, using Markdown, and a series of Template modules: * Template::Plugin::Date * Template::Plugin::Markdown Right now, this will generate a post page, along with an index page that is a collection of all the posts in the system.

Speeding up your perl scripts with Parallel::Iterator

Parallel::Iterator is a Perl module that can make your scripts much faster if you perform long-running tasks within a loop. It does this by managing a forking system in the background, allowing your long-running tasks to execute in parallel, instead of one at a time.

Postfix + fail2ban = win

Recently, I had to lease a new server. My old one was ok, but it was 5 years old, and showing it's age.