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When you know it's time for a new job

When you start fantasizing about your sick boss dieing while in the hospital, you know it's time for a new job. And that's exactly the situation I found myself in recently.

Dirty reads with software raid?

Is it possible software raid 1 to not actually record data writes until some time later? I know it's possible with hardware raid, but I've never heard of that with software raid.

My bash aliases

I've been using git a lot more recently, and in December, I switched to using a series of aliases just for git. Since then, I've used my aliases 1700+ times (on my work machine alone), saving me over 22000 keystrokes, or almost 5 total hours of typing, just since December.

What I learned during a hackathon

Recently, $job held a hackathon, though ours spread an entire week so was dubbed "Hack Week". We created some awesome projects, had a lot of fun, and managed to help the company at the same time.

Managing references in Jekyll

Recently, I wanted to make Jekyll create a references list ala Wikipedia; so I built one. It was actually easier than I thought it would be, though I'm still not 100% happy with the syntax.

Updating iTunes when listening to Pianobar

For the past few years, I've been using the WSP Music System for iTunes to help me listen to things in a better manner. But that means I need to keep my play information in sync.

An entry from The Dream Log

This dream was recorded from the iOS Notes application, and transferred to nvALT on January 8, 2013. I'm listing it here exactly as it was typed by me immediately after waking.